Let's do it!

Preheat oven to 375 f degrees.

Place all ingredients in a large bowl and knead until all ingredients are mixed well.

Set aside for 15 minutes.

Meanwhile, assemble the meat grinder with cookie disk attachment.

take a chunk of the dough and push it through the meat grinder.

Cut the dough bar into 3″  long fingers.

Place on a lightly lined baking sheet.

Bake until golden, about 20 minutes.

Cool completely and keep in a sealed vessel at room temp.


  • 860 grams white flour(6 cups + 2 tablespoons)
  •  2 baking powder (20 g)
  •  200 gr  melted butter
  •  1 cup canola oil (240 ml)
  •  1 cup sugar (200 g)
  •  2 bags of vanilla sugar (20 g)
  •  1 cup orange juice (240 ml)
  •  1/2 cup sesame seeds
  •  1/2 cup coconut flakes unsweetened

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